Another cat? Why? Well, first let me explain that when we got Puss Puss, she was a gift for Lacey for her 8th grade graduation. She ALWAYS wanted a cat, but Michael would have NO part of it. He was a dog person....enough said. Well, when my friend's cat had kittens, Michael fell head over heels for them and we surprised Lacey with the cat. Flash forward 4 years and Sydney has always wanted "her own" cat. We had been toying with the idea for awhile so we went to the shelter to adopt one and we were told no because they have a policy that they will NOT adopt kittens to families with children under the age of 5. Bummer. Great policy....seriously. To see Payton and this kitten screams to that policy! She could be the reason that they created that policy to begin with. So the shelter was out. Now we were on a mission....we HAD to have a kitten. As it turns out, my mother's neighbor had kittens and Peanut was one of them. She looks just like Puss Puss did as a kitten. Too cute! So we waited the 8 weeks until she was ready to come home and now she is! Welcome to the family Peanut!!!
Awwww...PolicySchmolicy. I have seen some of the nicest cats come from having had little kids carrying them around. This needs to be in reason, but usually if it gets too intense a scratch and a jump will help the child learn the kitten's boundaries. Cat Discipline. :o) Nothing cuter than puppies, kitties, and kids!! Great pics!
I love Peanuts. I sent you some pics of our furry friends.
Awwww...PolicySchmolicy. I have seen some of the nicest cats come from having had little kids carrying them around. This needs to be in reason, but usually if it gets too intense a scratch and a jump will help the child learn the kitten's boundaries. Cat Discipline. :o) Nothing cuter than puppies, kitties, and kids!! Great pics!
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