Saturday, February 17, 2007

Bad Photos

Family FotoFun Friday Challenge #19

This week's challenge from Double Happiness is a real challenge for me because I simply delete the bad ones~especially if they are of me. My worst picture trait is a "double chin" and no matter how hard I try to avoid it, there it is! So....although I would love to show you these pictures of myself, I have decided to subject my children to the criticism! Good mother huh?

Lacey CAN'T take a bad picture even when she tries!

Look at Sydney's face...can you tell she is NOT enjoying this photo session?

Payton's attempt for a BIG smile!

This was her striking a pose!

This is my FAVORITE bad picture! Look at both of their faces! They are totally freaked out by the noise the donkey just made. It was sooo funny.


Lisa said...

I noticed you have changed the name to Three Girls and there going to be a #4?

Tammy said...


It is under serious consideration.....LOL! Wanna do it together? We could travel togehter and then we can both have 4 kids!
