Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Nemesis

Yes, the AA Battery is my NEMESIS!!
I feel like my life has been reduced to finding/buying/replacing batteries.  Everything in our house is currently running on a battery.  The worst part is, the kids are now into "finding" their own batteries.  The other day I went to use the television remote...no batteries...they were used to "fix" the WII remote.  Then, my fabulous flame less candle...no batteries, they were used to make the Leapster work.  It is endless cycle.  I buy them, and they disappear.  I guess I should consider myself lucky, a AA battery as a nemesis isn't so bad!


Football and Fried Rice said...

HA!!! I can totally relate ;) I am thinking about stuffing my kids' stockings with batteries - we'll see how they like that ;)

Dianne said...

Funny, sounds like my house :)

chloehoxie said...

Hahahaha my sisters and I do the same thing for batteries. If there are no batteries in the remote then soon there will be no batteries in the camera.

Singh said...

Great post! I like all the details and the ideas!
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