Friday, March 02, 2007

Gimme an N Part II

So Donna over at Double Happiness decided to put a *twist* on last week's challenge for FFFF, and this is Part II! Now I have to list 10 things I do NOT like that begins with the letter N. So here it goes in no particular order!

1. Nose Hair~HATE IT, but seriously who likes it?

2. Neglect~Nobody should ever be neglected.

3. Nicotine~Worst all time habit to break. Trust me, I know!

4. Newts~I had a few when I was a kid, I have no idea HOW because any kind of reptile/snack/slimy thing freaks me out.

5. Nasty, rude or cruel people.

6. Nagging~Probably because my kids could win awards for it!

7. Nuclear Weapons~Hello.....does this need an explanation?

8. Nausea~The worst feeling ever! I just want to throw up and get it over with!

9. Naughty~My kids have been known to be every once and a while

10. Negativity~Stay positive and positive things will happen right?


Donna said...

The head in the toilet picture just totally cracks me up!!



Beckyb said...

You did good!!! My "U" gave me some trouble but I plan to try the "U" I-don't-likes too!!